I am always interested in commissions - please contact for availability and fees.
"Keep watch, dear Lord"
     One of the collects for mission, Episcopal BCP, Evensong
     SATB a capella with some divisi
     Level: Advanced
"O God, whom saints and angels"
A setting of the Prayer for Church Musicans and Artists in the Episcopal BCP
Unison soprano or treble voices and organ
Level: Medium
"Save us, O Lord"
     SATB and organ
     Level: Medium
"Let saints on earth in concert sing"
     SATB, organ, brass quartet, timpani
     Level: Medium
     Movt. 3 of larger work; movt.'s 1 & 2 rental available
     I am getting together an updated list - will post ASAP.
Two-Part Invention
Written in 1992
Save us, O Lord
Written in 1998
Available from Paraclete Press:
"We Receive You"
     The prayer said by all following a Baptism in the Epsicopal BCP
     SATB a capella with some divisi
     Level: Medium to Advanced
Available from the RSCM [directly / GIA / Cliff Hill Music / Lois Fyfe Music]:
"Phos Hilaron"
A setting of the Prayer for Light in the Episcopal BCP Evensong Rite II service
Unison soprano or treble voices and organ
Level: Medium